When I Grow Up

About This Blog

When I Grow Up I Want to Be …

I find myself pondering this, as I am becoming more dispensable in my day job. For my entire adult life, I have had the title Mom and, for the past 22 years, the day-to-day responsibilities that go with having the privilege to be a “stay-at-home” mom. With three adult children and one quickly approaching the “Sweet 16” milestone, I know that my full-time mothering days are coming to a close. As I approach middle age (since I fully intend to reach 100, I refuse to acknowledge middle age a day before age 50), I wonder: What do I do next? What does the next chapter of my life hold?

Writing a blog is something I have thought about doing for some time, but until now, I have not come up with a topic that I thought worthy to write about. Blogging is narcissistic by nature. I am struggling with this and with the effort to give myself permission to indulge myself,  to stretch outside my comfort zone and talk about myself. My inner editor cringes at the thought of letting anything go that is not fully polished (perhaps that’s where my kids get it from).  Yet another voice in my head is saying that I am making excuses and just need to get it down on paper (sounds like what I actually say to my kids). Anyway, here goes. I am considering this part writing exercise, part therapy for a life crisis – an attempt to share a slice of my life that I think others may be able to relate to.

4 thoughts on “About This Blog

  1. Jen Bice

    LOVE THIS!!!!! Can’t wait to read more! (Now off to ponder my own future…after I help the screaming little boy who needs help wiping. LOL!) So glad you are doing this..it’s awesome!

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