When I Grow Up

Moving to America


Nov 14 – write a journal entry about your immigrant ancestor’s journey

April 11, 1910

Tomorrow we will once again land at Ellis Island. The last time we made this journey, my sons and I were sent back to Italy. This should be our final trip and finally our family will be together again. It has taken six years and four crossings for all of us to get to our new home.

We are traveling on the SS Berlin, which is a new ship, only a year old. It is much bigger than the last ship we crossed on, the SS Citta di Milano which had no first class cabins and less than half the number of passengers. The first class passengers brought large trunks with them and are in their Sunday best every day!

Our beds are in a large room with many bunks and there are quite a few children. The boys have been able to keep busy, but I have had to watch carefully to make sure they stayed well. During the day, walking out in the fresh air is preferable to being contained below, though it is also rather cold. Many people have been ill. I’m not sure if it is the sea or a sickness, but I’ve made sure the boys have kept away from most people because I don’t want to be sent back again. My husband and other children tell me how nice America is. I look forward to getting off this boat and staying there.


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