New Book Reassures Parents Of Teens: You’re Not Alone

I am no longer actively parenting teens (I’m now in the “beyond” stage) but I have teens in my extended family and many of my friends have teenagers. While I survived those sometimes tumultuous years, it was sometimes lonely and like many others, I sometimes questioned if I was making the right choices. I’m happy to see more writers talking […]

I Didn’t Want to, but I Told My Daughter Not to Come Home

When we first started the college search with our oldest, study abroad was one of her requirements, and was almost as important to her as her choice of major. We were supportive of this interest, believing that travel only adds value to life. We were concerned about the additional costs it would incur, but left the possibility on the table. […]

Why Do Graduations Brings on Such Strong Emotions?

When I became a parent of college grads, I was somewhat surprised to realize that I shed more tears at the high school ceremonies than the college ones. Somehow this didn’t make sense. This may be in part because there were several of “my kids” graduating from high school – my own children, their friends, and those who I watched […]

New Book Admits That Teens Can Sometimes Be Hard to Love

Loving HARD When They’re Hard to Love, Essays on Raising Teens in Today’s Complex, Chaotic World by Whitney Fleming, is not a parenting book in the traditional sense but rather the story of becoming a parent and how that role changes and grows, just as a child does from infancy through teenager. The book is separated into three sections. Section […]

New Book Reveals the Hidden Power of Sensitivity

Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World, by Jenn Granneman & Andre Solo, takes a positive look at what is too often deemed a negative trait: being a sensitive person. Using science and data to back up their assertions, the people behind the online communities Sensitive Refuge and Introvert, Dear, convincingly advance […]

A Guide To Better Decision-Making

WISE DECISIONS: A Science-Based Approach to Making Better Decisions  by Dr. Jim Loehr and Dr. Sheila Ohlsson is a useful guide to understanding the science behind our decision-making and, more importantly, how to use this knowledge to make even better decisions. This book makes you stop and think. It’s obvious, but have you considered that beliefs are merely opinions? And […]

15 Teen-Approved Ways to Say I Love You

Each February, after we get over the excitement of a weather-predicting rodent, the world becomes full of pink and red hearts and silly bow-and-arrow-carrying cherubs. It is natural around this time to think about ways to let our loved ones know how we feel. Though teenagers sometimes act as though they don’t want to give or receive love, they do. […]