New Book Is a Beautiful Love Letter To Mothers Everywhere

So God Made a Mother, the first (because it’s so good there have to be more coming soon) book of compiled essays by Leslie Means, is about, for and written by (mostly) mothers. The collection of nearly 100 essays is divided into chapters: Tender, Proud, Known, Strong, Faithful, Worthy, Unforgettable, Beautiful, each with an introduction written by Means.
This book shows motherhood in all its glory and struggle. Writers share their stories of grief and joy, success and failure, hopes and fears. It is in turn, sweet, evocative and raw. Here you will find stories about parenting, marriage, self-discovery, and so much more. This thoughtfully curated collection will bring smiles, laughs, and likely some tears. It’s not a stretch to say it is for anyone who is, has, or loves a mother.
Full disclosure: many of the writers included in the collection are women I call friends. We found each other through our words, through a Facebook group associated with a once-small website, Her View From Home. I knew none of these women before my first piece was published there, way back in 2016. Since then, I have come to the realization that internet friends most certainly can be real friends and have met many of these women in real life. We have laughed together, cried together, eaten many tacos and drank a lot of coffee. We have shared stories and supported each other on both a professional and personal level. We have become each other’s’ “people.” Even knowing many of their stories, their words in this beautiful book still evoke strong emotions, because, yes, they are also amazing writers.
If you like to read essay collections, particularly about moms, you will enjoy this book. You won’t find my words there (I didn’t submit an essay for consideration), but you will learn more about some of my dear friends. And you will find that they definitely have words worth sharing.
Note: While I did receive an electronic preview copy of the book, I also purchased a hard copy (which is how I actually read it). There was no compensation for this review, the thoughts and opinions are purely my own. – KY
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