Commencement Looks Different from the Other Side

I’ll be honest; I remember almost nothing from my college commencement speech. In fact, I had to look up who the speaker was. I remember the sights of the day: the chairs lined up on the grassy area between academic buildings, the stage in front of me, the crowds filling the folding chairs and standing behind them, small children running […]

Keeping the Magic in Christmas When The Little Ones Are Grown

There are definitely benefits to having only older children, but sometimes I miss having little ones around. Once they all got past a certain age, Christmas changed. It lost some of its magic. Sure we continued with traditions, but it wasn’t quite the same. I don’t think there are many teenagers who believe that a man in a red suit […]

Being a Parent at Your Alma Mater

It’s time to celebrate this boy. When I walked across the stage 30 years ago to receive my college diploma I was thinking of what I accomplished. While I was hopeful for the future, it wasn’t the time to dwell on where I would be a week a month or years later. I was living in the moment. When my […]