New Book Outlines How Parents Can Help Teens Get More Sleep

In her new book, The Sleep-Deprived Teen, Why Our Teenagers Are So Tired and How Parents and Schools Can Help Them Thrive, Lisa Lewis presents valuable information on teenagers and sleep including the dangers of not getting enough. She’s done the homework for the rest of us and presents here a thorough, yet accessible summary of many studies, laying out […]

When You Have One “Last” Summer to Prepare Your Teen

We all make note of our children’s “firsts:” their first smile, first tooth, first step, first day of kindergarten. Especially with my youngest, as my kids moved on to big milestones (moving from elementary to middle school, for example) I started noting the lasts, with more than a little melancholy. With the youngest, these lasts were also lasts for me. […]

Embracing My Kids’ Interests Was an Opportunity for My Own Growth

When I first became a mom, I looked forward to doing things with my children that I had enjoyed growing up. It didn’t occur to me then that embracing my kids interests instead would be so rewarding. I first realized that this was not to be when my oldest asked to take ballet lessons. My mother tried for years to […]

Keeping the Magic in Christmas When The Little Ones Are Grown

There are definitely benefits to having only older children, but sometimes I miss having little ones around. Once they all got past a certain age, Christmas changed. It lost some of its magic. Sure we continued with traditions, but it wasn’t quite the same. I don’t think there are many teenagers who believe that a man in a red suit […]

Flat Stanley Brings Out the Kid in Us All

As our kids enter middle school a seriousness descends on them. Anything associated with small children is “childish” and must be forsaken. As a stay-at-home parent, I noted that this attitude really only came out when peers were present. At other times, they laughed at kids’ shows just as frequently as the younger ones and sometimes their laughter was even […]